One of the most enjoyable experiences for parents is the birth of a child. This miracle changes their outlook on life, and puts their existence in a different perspective.
A tradition that traces back to Jewish law, is to present this child to God, as a symbol of our admission that only God can bless and protect this child throughout his or her life. It is also a time to give thanks to the Almighty for this “miracle of childbirth” and for watching over mother and child.
As soon as the mother and child recover, and are physically able to move about, their first visit should be to the House of God, for this presentation and prayer of thanksgiving.
In addition, it is an opportunity for all the members of the St. George family to see the latest addition and congratulate the proud parents on this fine accomplishment.
Known as “churching,” it begins with a prayer over the mother and child in the back of the church, then the priest carries the child to the front: Boys are taken inside the altar, and girls are presented in front of the Icons of the Theotokos and Christ. The priest concludes the presentation and “seals it with a kiss” as he hands the child over to the mother.
Please notify the office when you’re ready for churching, and be in the church no later than 10:15 am. Husbands do have a major role in this ritual: “Don’t forget the camera, guys!”